A few key facts about City Hall (http://www.london.gov.uk/city-hall/the-building)
From how high it is to who was involved in building it, here are a few key facts about City Hall:
desde la altura hasta quien lo hizo, aqui van unas cuantas caracteristicas sobre el ayto londres
Height of the building:Altura del edificio
No. of floors: nº de plantas
10 floors above the ground 10 plantas sobre rasante
Gross floor area: superficie construida
185,000 sq ft/18,000 sq m (approx)
Net lettable floor area: superficie útil
130,000 sq ft/12,000 sq m (approx)
Steelwork: acero
Structural frame - 2100 tons estructura de acero
Reinforced - 1950 tons armaduras
Concrete (core): hormigón (CORE?)
13,100 sq m (lo mide en superficie?)
7,300 sq m of triple glazed low emissivity coated clear glass, incorporating shading devices
Heat insulation: aislamiento térmico
Average value= 0.7-0.8 W/m_.k valor medio
Angle of glass front inclination: ángulo inclinación frente vidrio
31 degrees
Diameter of circular glass facade: diámetro de fachada vidrio circular
Environmental strategy: estratgia medioambiental (sostenibilidad)
Windows open for natural ventilation, bore hole water cooling, heat recovery, displacement ventilation system, no chillers required
Las ventanas abren para ventilación natural, geotermia, recuperación de calor, sistema de ventilación desplazado, no se necesitan enfriadores de agua
Energy consumption: Consumo energético
Energy consumption for the GLA's environmental systems is less than half levels in DETR good practice office guide. El consumo eléctrico del sistema sostenible del ayto es menor que la mitad de los niveles de la guia de las buenas practicas en oficinas del ministerio de ambiente
The radical shape of the building minimses the surface area (approx 25 per cent less than an equivalent rectangular building). It is self shading and the high performance facade ensures excellent energy efficiency.
Electrical consumption:
Greatly reduced as a result of using cold ground water instead of refrigeration to air condition the building. Saving use of mains water, the water is extracted through two bore holes from the water table beneath London and is used to cool the building and is then used for flushing the toilets.
Muy reducido como resultado del uso del frio del agua del subsuelo en vez de refrigeradores para el aire acondicionado. El agua se extrae a través de dos tubos perforados del agua del nivel freatico bajo londres y se usa para el frio del aire y luego para las cisternas de los sanitarios.
Foster and Partners
Construction Managers:
Structural, services, facade, fire, communications and acoustics engineers:
Arup & Partners
Cost consultants:
Davis Langdon & Everest and Mott Green & Wall
Landscape architects:
1 comentario:
Hi, Chus
It´s very interesting all the information about City Hall of London.
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