jueves, 17 de septiembre de 2009

attract attention (to me) lesson one. first lesson

person is singular, people is plural
one person but two people

bored is not the same that boring
I'm bored because my work's boring

if you want pronounce like they do
"you're" you must say like "your"
"you aren't" you must say like "you ant"

2 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Como no escribas en asturianu no te entiendo "ná".
Por cierto lo último creo que está mal.
Es "you are" como la peli del Garci.

Anímate y sigue estudiando, yes mundial.

chus dijo...

Hi juan
I pleased to read you,
I’m sure you understand my poor English
So warm up and come back went you want.
Venga oh, que ye muy prestosu!